Cellular installed in St. James School Division Stevenson-Britannia School
We're thrilled to introduce you to Cellular™ installed in Stevenson-Brittania School in Winnipeg. A K-5 school, Cellular™ is installed in their library and is used by students and teachers as a fun reading station. Often moved around the library, the students love creating their very own seating configuration. You'll see from the three photos below that the staff elected to go with the Gamer cells cape in shale and celeste fun covering.
We would love to hear what you think of this installation? So, feel free to leave us a comment or email us at feedback@iLikeOi.com
If you've been on the hunt for modular seating that inspires creativity and collaboration, browse our build or shop pages to explore how Cellular™ can suit your environment.
Name: Stevenson-Brittania School Library
Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Website: http://www.sjsd.net
Architect: N/A
Dealer: Accent Workplace Environments | http://www.theaccentgroup.ca
# of Cells: 2